[vc_row content_placement=”top” css=”.vc_custom_1535523904699{margin-bottom: 4vh !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1535523910341{margin-bottom: 4vh !important;}”][woodmart_responsive_text_block font=”text” size=”custom” font_weight=”400″ align=”left” css=”.vc_custom_1590707190868{margin-bottom: 10px !important;}” woodmart_css_id=”5ed043e34e908″ text_font_size=”eyJwYXJhbV90eXBlIjoid29vZG1hcnRfcmVzcG9uc2l2ZV9zaXplIiwiY3NzX2FyZ3MiOnsiZm9udC1zaXplIjpbIiAud29vZG1hcnQtdGV4dC1ibG9jayJdfSwic2VsZWN0b3JfaWQiOiI1ZWQwNDNlMzRlOTA4IiwiZGF0YSI6eyJkZXNrdG9wIjoiMTZweCIsInRhYmxldCI6IjE2cHgiLCJtb2JpbGUiOiIxNHB4In19″ content_width=”100″ inline=”no” woodmart_empty_space=””]MyHome is a premium Real Estate WordPress theme that you can use to create amazing and intuitive Real Estate websites your customers will love to use. Flexible and innovative, MyHome requires no prior coding knowledge, making it easy for you to build sleek, user-friendly websites.
Single Click Import – With access to six tailored demos, 14 homepages and a wide range of ready-to-use pre-set pages, building your website is easy. MyHome includes a varied library of images and video that are available for your use at no extra cost.
Globally Adaptable – Translate text into any language, change currencies and switch between the imperial and metric system. MyHome is RTL and WPML ready. Free partial translation files for some of the languages: español, français, हिन्दी (hindī), polski, italiano, Deutsch, български.
Intuitive Page Builder – Build pages with our handy drag and drop system. MyHome has 18 more drag and drop modules than WPBakery Page Builder, one of the leading WordPress plugins on the market. Each module is specially designed to work with MyHome and is not available anywhere else.
Custom Fields – Every Real Estate business is different, and MyHome ensures that you’re never stuck with default settings. Create an unlimited number of custom search fields to make sure that your search engine meets your clients’ needs.
Advanced Search Functionality – Search forms are critical in the Real Estate business, so we’ve spent hundreds of hours testing and improving the MyHome search function. The result? A robust and flexible search engine that can be customized to fit your customers’ needs, allowing them to search for properties based on their specific criteria.
Instant Results – Search results are updated as you type, providing you with potential options and saving your visitor the hassle of multiple search entries. Retain users and minimize your bounce rate by providing a user experience they can’t find anywhere else.
Map Searches – Add Google Maps to your website with additional filtering capabilities. It is fully dynamic and integrated with Google Street View.[/woodmart_responsive_text_block]
You will receive a large catalog and receive very low prices, which makes us an excellent option, but what sets us apart is the excellent treatment and service you will receive.
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