Meta Box Show Hide is an extension for the Meta Box plugin, which helps developers to show/hide meta boxes by page template, post format, category or custom taxonomy. This extension uses JavaScript to show/hide elements immediately and can combine conditions (include, exclude, the logical operator AND, OR) to create as many restrictions as you want.
Developers dont need to rewrite any meta box definitions. Just add conditions for meta boxes for where to show or hide them, then other works will be done automatically. And no need to get stuck with writing custom PHP to check.
Please note that this extension works with meta boxes, meaning it doesnt show/hide custom fields or elements based on some rules. If you need that or need more complex condition, please check the Meta Box Conditional Logic.
Learn more: The difference between Include Exclude, Show Hide and Conditional Logic extensions
Important: Since version 1.1.0, the plugin supports Gutenberg, the new block editor in WordPress 5.0. However, since Gutenberg has some limitations, the plugin only supports template and post_format rules. Since version 1.3.0, we have fully added compatibility with Gutenberg. Now all rules are working properly in both classic editor and Gutenberg editor.
Works in both classic editor and Gutenberg (block editor)
Allows developers to show or hide meta boxes under conditions
Can combine conditions using logical operator AND, OR
Conditions (show/hide by):
Page templates
Post formats
Custom taxonomies (hierarchy taxonomies only)
Parent page
Input values, for example: show a meta box when selecting a value from dropdown, hide a meta box when checking a checkbox, etc.